Kim & Jesse - 6 March 2009

Kim & Jesse’s perfect day was wedding number 2 for me this weekend. This was a dream wedding to photograph and it certainly lived up to all its expectations.

I had the great pleasure of photographing the nicest and funniest bridal party I think I have ever had (not mention damn hot too) in some of the best locations Canberra has to offer!! Kim just took your breath away - to describe her as stunning is an understatement. She (and her sisters) made my job a breeze looking as amazing as they did, especially in those cute little dresses. Oh the guys were pretty cute too!!!

The whole day provided great entertainment and it only got better as the night went on – the food was fantastic, the speeches were hilarious (and emotional) and the dancing was pretty much the same!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the opportunity to shoot a really great bunch of people – I loved it!!!

Some pretty sexy legs......................... go girls!!