Now safe and sound in London - 17 June 2010

In just 2 days of arriving I could probably write a novel, so much has happened.... After a few small hiccups on arrival we made it safe and sound to Alice & Ed's beautiful flat in London and was greeted with some lovely champagne to celebrate! It was so great to finally meet them, everything just connected so perfectly between us we couldn't help but pinch ourselves that this day had finally arrived!

Day 2 was OUT OF THIS WORLD. Ed came to pick us up in the afternoon to take us out to Chelsea for the big grand tour, some shooting and the wedding rehearsal. It was an opportunity to meet everyone, the whole bridal party, Ed's family and Alice's family too. Amazingly enough Alice's dad, Lord Michael Walker is the Governor of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea where the ceremony & reception will be held - Alice's parents also reside there.

When we arrived the whole grounds were preparing for a visit from the French President, Sarkozy. Everything was fairly hectic, there were hundreds and hundreds of military running drills in every corner of the Hospital. Media were everywhere and stages being set up left right and centre! While Pete and I walked around with our jaw dropped to the ground, everyone around us tended to take it all in their stride. I have never meet such a relaxed chilled out family - instantly we were made to feel so comfortable and welcome in their home. It was a little hard to not feel overwhelmed by the hospitality and generosity I experienced yesterday.

You can see by some of the images below the beautiful locations I will be shooting tomorrow, absolutely breathtaking would be the understatement of the century. But...I am totally ready and totally jumping out of my skin to get there tomorrow. There really are no words left to explain what an opportunity and great honour it is to be here - I am cherishing every single minute of this time right now!

a gorgeous little pub in Chelsea we stopped at before dinner

after a lovely toast from Ed's hilarious sister

Pete bought the happy couple a little celebratory shot after dinner

just one of the locations we'll be using....that is me gasping for breath

Pete shot some behind the scenes during our shoot with Alice and her 2 brothers

lovely Alice showing me the Chapel - oh dear!

preparing for the French President

our first real catch up together


Christine Pobke said...

good lord!!!!!!! :) :) :) you should've seen ME gasping for breath! what an amazing trip the two of you are having.. can't wait to have you back in canberra so i can hear all about it in person!!! :) GOOD LUCK TODAY!! (not that you'll need it!) xoxoxoxo